Sunday, May 17, 2020

William Shakespeare s Sonnet 130 - 851 Words

During the Shakespearean period love was presented in several different ways. Love was sometimes portrayed as a war between two lovers and sometimes used to profess admiration to a lover. In Sonnet 130, Shakespeare redefined what love poems were, by making his poem a parody of the conventional love poems that were written by poets in the sixteenth to seventeenth century. Prior to this poem, love poems were praised for their romantic appeals where more often than not they praised women for their beauty and god like appearance. This poem was known to be one of Shakespeare’s most famous sonnets because of its central idea that love is not only physical attraction. In the typical love poems women were described to have flawless skin, rosy cheeks and were admired by everyone in their society, while this poem particularly has a different tone to it. It mocks the typical love poems by stating his honest feelings towards his lover. The poem began by using the term mistress, a word that indicates that the poem was addressed to someone he loved (1). The word mistress lets the reader know that the poem was a love poem, and if Shakespeare had started this poem with any other line there would have been confusion on whether if it was a love poem or not, the tone would change. The next line states that his lovers eyes was nothing like the sun, which usually in love poems after the lover was identified there would be a simile comparing her eyes to the sun not the opposite (1). The poetShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Sonnet 1301123 Words   |  5 PagesShakespeare’s Sonnet 130 is an unconventional confession of love to his mistress, despite first interpretations. Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130 parodies the Petrarchan sonnet – popular during the Elizabethan period. Shakespeare uses figures of speech, sarcasm, and the Petrarchan form against itself to mock the ways in which feminine beauty is unr ealistically compared to nature and represented. Due to Sidney’s and Spenser’s large impact regarding the popularization of the Petrarchan sonnet, Shakespeare largelyRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Sonnet 130756 Words   |  4 Pagesit does not boast, it is not proud.† Rather than focusing on appearances, or whatever meets the eye, Sonnet 130 ,takes the love poem to a deeper,level where looks are no longer important and it is inner beauty that matters. Shakespeare paints this picture using a wonderful combination of details.This type of rare love is exemplified in William Shakespeare’s ‘Sonnet 130’a poem where Shakespeare dismisses conventional ideals of love and describes unconditional love. At first, the speaker is arguingRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Sonnet 130887 Words   |  4 PagesShakespearean Sonnets consist of 154 Sonnets that are well know for their themes such as passage of time, love, beauty, and mortality. Out of all the Sonn ets, Sonnet 130 is the most significant because Shakespeare mocks the concept of traditional Sonnets. The traditional sonnet were usually love poems or Sonnets that person would show how much they praise someone or thing by exaggerating their beauty through imagery and comparisons. In Sonnet 130, Shakespeare does the complete opposite comparedRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Sonnet 18 And 130900 Words   |  4 Pages(Line 1). These are both two of the famous lines from William Shakespeare’s sonnet 18 and 130. William Shakespeare was an intelligent English playwright, poet, and dramatist during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. He is known as one of the greatest playwrights of all time. 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WHAT LITERARY DEVICES ARE USED BY SHAKESPEARE TO PUT FORTH HIS IDEAS IN SONNET-130? IS HE COMPLETELY ANTI-PETRARCHAN? [16] 1st part The language spoken and written of great romances is often poetic, passionate, and filled with metaphors of beauty and devotion. In short, the language of love is the language of exaggeration. William Shakespeare ‘s most powerful description of love is when he satirizes this method of writing and in so doing instead claims that honesty and sincerityRead More Essay on Lust and Love in Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130 and Campion’s There is a Garden860 Words   |  4 PagesLust and Love in Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130 and Campion’s There is a Garden in Her Face  Ã‚     Ã‚   When a comparison is made between There is a Garden in Her Face by Thomas Campion and Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare, the difference between lustful adoration and true love becomes evident. Both poems involve descriptions of a beloved lady seen through the eyes of the speaker, but the speaker in Campions poem discusses the womans beautiful perfections, while the speaker in Shakespeares poem showsRead MoreSonnet 130 - William Shakespeare An Unconventional Love1264 Words   |  6 PagesFebruary 2013 Sonnet 130 – William Shakespeare An Unconventional Love I will be writing about William Shakespeare s poem Sonnet 130. In the sonnet, every other line rhymes, with the exception of the last two lines which rhyme on their own as a rhyming couplet. The poem follows the rhyme scheme of a-b-a-b, c-d-c-d, e-f-e-f, g-g. This sonnet is written in iambic pentameter, containing fourteen lines and ten syllables within each line. The iambic pentameter makes the sonnet sound redundant,

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