Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Christian Ethics and Animal

Question: Christians are beginning to reevaluate the moral status of animals, becoming more concerned with animal suffering. As a result of this, should Christians become Vegetarians? Answer: The Christians observe a moral code and charity is an essential part of their religious doctrine. Moral goodness is an essential part of their religion and their religion believes that the goodness and love that is shown to fellow human beings is returned to us. It lays stress on the fact that God and ones neighbour should be treated with love and compassion for the greater good of human kind([1] ).The relationship between that of Christianity and animal rights is complex and varied which relies to a great extent on the historical context. Jesus Christ has often been depicted in terms of imagery that is related to animals. According to the Christian environmentalists animals should be treated with respect. Many Christian philosophers have stated that the individuals should follow Jesus and animals should be treated in such a manner that shows compassion. It should also illustrate respectful stewardship of the humanity for the environment. William Wilberforce who is the co-founder in relation to Royal Society For The Prevention Of Animals stands as an example. Christian attitudes have expressed the notion that human beings are negligent towards animals. They neglect the animals and are dismissive of the lot of animals. Some Christians have the idea that animals should be treated like commercial products that people can utilize in order to serve the desire of humanity ([2]). Ideology is an important part of this debate and people from right wing and conservatives have a tendency to view animals as only resources. Those who have sympathy for the left are more supportive of animal rights measures. The relationship between that of animals and that of people is extremely complex. Christian writer Jack Zavada has said that mans likeness is conceived to God and animal is considered to be subservient to man which points forward that animals can have the breath of life. It brings out the idea that animals are not held to be in the same position as that of the human kind. The book of Genesis states that humanity is made out of the image of God and they are given the authority to control all the other beings of the earth. It does not mention that Adam and Eve are having animal flesh. No incidence of mal-treatment in respect to animals has been mentioned in the Bible. The creatures along with that of the humans co-exist harmoniously and no mention of animals being exploited is noted in the Bible. Proverbs 12: 10 lay out an important principle that a man who is right cares about the health of his animal. Meat-eating has received the approval of God after Adam and Eve were sent away from the Eden to that of the end of global flood. A section of Genesis 9;3 states that just the way green plants were given to them in the same way they were given everything. The Old Testament states that God made differentiation between that of animal and that of man and man was asked to control the animals for the benefit of man. God has also provided man with the moral guidelines that cruelty should be prevented. Animal sacrifice is an important aspect in many parts of the Bible. Isaiah 65:25 states that the wolf along with that of lamb will have food together and that the lion will eat straw like that of the fox ( [3]). Jesus Christ in New Testament stands for a moral icon and he can be looked upon as an inspiration in respect to Christian ethics. The canonical gospels did not exactly perceive Jesus to be a vegetarian. Biblical passages show that Jesus along with his followers are carrying out fishing which in a way suggests that meat-eating was done in this phase. In respect to animal rights, Jesus is conceived of to be the good shepherd and it is mentioned that a good shepherd sacrifices his life for serving the sheep ( [4] ).It thus highlights a moral theme that those who are powerful should sacrifice themselves for serving the cause of the weaker section. This is often taken to be inspiration in respect to that of animal welfare. Christians are re-evaluating moral status in respect to animals and in the present age they are veering towards vegetarianism. What is driving them to become vegetarians is exclusively related to what they think of God. Assertions have been found in the scripture that highlights that God empathizes with the fate of animals. Jesus used to say that even when a sparrow falls on the ground then it has effect on the emotional state of Heavenly Father. An argument in the Bible states that putting an end to the life of an animal for the sake of getting food is permitted. This was however not the original will in respect to God. Adam along with Eve were practitioners of vegetarianism and even their descents were vegetarians till the time of the great flood ([5]). Peaceful kingdom that will be established after the second coming, vegetarianism will be the normal order for both humans and the animals. Another important reason of Christians abstaining from the practice of being meat-eaters is that of commitment to the poor and hungry people prevailing within the world. On processing the protein in grain and then being eaten by the human race, one can derive health benefits that are maximum. The grains being eaten by animals and then being consumed by man, a major part of the protein is lost. In a malnourished world where dearth of protein causes a lot of suffering among adults and children, one should be concerned about the needs of Gods children. The Bible says that our bodies should be treated as Temple of God. It highlights the fact we should abstain from such practices that cause injury to our health. Eating meat harms our bodies and the dictum of the scriptures states that maintaining healthy bodies is of crucial importance. Vegetarianism can prove to be an important step in that direction and it can help in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. When the different scriptural passages in relation to animal welfare are seen in the larger context of grace and mercy, a strong argument indicates the humane treatment in relation to God. Abstinence from consuming meat is professed very strongly in many Biblical cases [6] Contradictory to teaching of Aquinas, the celebrated Christian leaders were vegetarians who had the notion that consumption of meat was contrary to that of biblical message of the element of compassion. The biblical statements have conflicting opinion in regard to the treatment meted out to animals. The Old Testament describes incidences of animal sacrifice along with that of animal subservience. On the other hand, there are verses in Job and Isaiah that talks about purity in respect to animals. Chapter 22 in Book of Numbers narrates the enchanting story of the character of Israelite Balaam who had a faithful donkey that witnessed the angel with sword. It was blocking the path and it chose to move away into the field. Balaam is not pure and so he could not see the angel. He beat the donkey and asked the creature to move back into the road ([7] ).His numerous efforts to bring the donkey to the right path failed, the donkey spoke to Balaam and it told him that if he opened his mind he would be able to see that there is a strong reason for it suddenly stopping in the middle of the road. Just at this juncture, the angel became visible to Balaam. He trembles and falls back on the ground and the angel asked him why he had beaten the donkey ([8] ).The angel said that if the donkey had not turned away from the road, then it would have killed him but spared the donkey. The contradiction in respect to teaching was carried forward in the New Testament. In a large number of verses, animal imagery is used to reflect the religious attributes along with that of the God himself. There are many passages where Jesus is called by the name of Lamb of God ([9]). In Mark 1:9-11, Holy Spirit appeared in the form of dove. When Jesus was emerging from the water, he saw the tearing apart of Heaven. The spirit descended on Jesus by taking the form of dove. All the scholars agree to the fact that prophetic messages existing in Book of Isaiah have described Kingdom of God as the place where there is no killing and everyone co-exists in harmony ([10]). In the Genesis description of Garden of Eden god craves for such a world where there is no killing. It can be deduced that animals should not be killed for food and one should lead a life devoid of any kind of killing. Killing a living creature is against the strain of that of human nature. During the biblical times, horrors in relation to modern factory farming did not exist. It speaks volumes about the suffering that is inflicted upon creatures with the help of these atrocious practices. A merciful God can never forgive such monstrous activities. A diet based on plants can prove to be beneficial for the human body. Scientific research have made clear the fact that vegetarians have a long life and it has linked meat consumption with that of heart disease( [11] ).Animal agriculture results in deforestation along with that of water pollution around the world. Church leaders are also viewing consumption of meat outrightly as a sin. Nothing can be worse than consuming meat for sustenance. It perpetrates anguish to the lives of the innocent animals. Animals were created by the all-powerful God in the same manner as that of humans and they are supposed to get the same amount of freedom like that of humans. The bible commands the human race to produce good result by taking recourse to repentance. New Testament is based on the important idea that being sanctified member of Christ who have received the grace of God, Christians should lead a godly life. A righteous life can give forth to a fulfilling life ([12] ).Condemnation in relation to the consumption of meat and mistreatment of animals will in the coming future emerge to be a doctrinal tenet in relation to the Christian Church. According to the Christians, our hearts should be directed towards serving God that includes caring for that of the creation of God. Most of the Christians have access to healthy plant food ( [13] ).The Bible has stated that diet that is plant-based is the ideal of God. All the creatures used to live peacefully in Eden and God instructed the human race to have just plant food. The Bible has stated that animals should be cared for and all the creatures should take part in Sabbath rest. The Christians are compas sionate and they are advocators of mercy and animal rights ([14]). Having the noble qualities of pity, is an essential part of their religious doctrine. In the description in Genesis relating to Garden of Eden god wanted a world without any kind of killing. Animals should not be killed for the sake of food and the life of a person should be bereft of any kind of killing. Killing a living creature goes against the strain of that of human nature. The biblical scriptures do not have any mention of modern factory farming. Many passages are there where Jesus is called Lamb of God. In Mark 1:9-11, Holy Spirit took the form of a dove. Eating meat causes harm to our bodies and the scriptures maintains having a healthy body is extremely crucial. Vegetarianism can help one to have a healthy lifestyle. The Christians should hence become vegetarians according to the moral principles of the religious books and in order to comply with the ethos of Christianity. References: "Basic Statement On Christian Morality".Christianityetc.Org. Last modified 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017. "Christianity And Animals".Nonhuman Animal Ethics. Last modified 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017. "Ethical Principles From The Bible".Christian Medical Fellowship - Cmf.Org.Uk. Last modified 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017. "Jesus, Christianity, And Animal Rights".Your Daily Vegan. Last modified 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017. "Should Christians Care About Animal Welfare?".The Exchange | A Blog By Ed Stetzer. Last modified 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017. "Six Principles Of A Jesus-Centered Moral Order".ERLC. Last modified 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017. "What Are The Basic Elements Of Christian Morality? - Rediscover: | Archdiocese Of Saint Paul And Minneapolis".Rediscover.Archspm.Org. Last modified 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017. "What Do Activists Mean By Animal Rights'".Thoughtco. Last modified 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017. "What Does The Bible Say About Christian Values And Christian Life?".Christianbiblereference.Org. Last modified 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017. "What Is Christian Ethics? | A Guide To Ethics".Pages.Stolaf.Edu. Last modified 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017. "Is Animal Rights A Biblical Concern? - Christian Research Institute".Christian Research Institute. Ministry, Christian. "What Is The Christian Position On Animal Rights? | Christian Apologetics Research Ministry".Carm.Org. Morals, We, and We Morals. "We Should Expect Non-Christians To Share Our Morals".Christianitytoday.Com. Last modified 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017. Oppenheimer, Mark. "Scholars Explore Christian Perspectives On Animal Rights".Nytimes.Com, "Is Animal Rights A Biblical Concern? - Christian Research Institute",Christian Research Institute Ministry, Christian. "What Is The Christian Position On Animal Rights? | Christian Apologetics Research Ministry".Carm.Org. Mark Oppenheimer, "Scholars Explore Christian Perspectives On Animal Rights",Nytimes.Com "Should Christians Care About Animal Welfare?".The Exchange | A Blog By Ed Stetzer. "Jesus, Christianity, And Animal Rights",Your Daily Vegan, last modified 2017, accessed November 3, 2017, "Christianity And Animals",Nonhuman Animal Ethics, last modified 2017, accessed November 3, 2017, We Morals and We Morals, "We Should Expect Non-Christians To Share Our Morals",Christianitytoday.Com, last modified 2017, accessed November 3, 2017, "Basic Statement On Christian Morality",Christianityetc.Org, last modified 2017, accessed November 3, 2017, "What Does The Bible Say About Christian Values And Christian Life?".Christianbiblereference.Org. Last modified 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017. "What Do Activists Mean By Animal Rights'".Thoughtco. Last modified 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017. "What Are The Basic Elements Of Christian Morality? - Rediscover: | Archdiocese Of Saint Paul And Minneapolis".Rediscover.Archspm.Org. Last modified 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017. "Ethical Principles From The Bible".Christian Medical Fellowship - Cmf.Org.Uk. "Six Principles Of A Jesus-Centered Moral Order",ERLC, last modified 2017, accessed November 3, 2017, "What Is Christian Ethics? | A Guide To Ethics".Pages.Stolaf.Edu. Last modified 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017.

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